Andrea Benítez

Favorite city to skate?

London, UK. Sketchy but creative

Noseslides or tailslides?

Hard one, but I’m a noseslide gal mostly

Secret to wallies?

Think of your ex

Favorite shoes to skate?

Slightly broken ones feel different

Streets or skatepark?

Skateparks end up being boring

Dream trip to take?

Japan Tour / Mexico tour

Favorite video of all time?

Villa Villa Cola inspired me so much when I was little

Silver or gold jewelry?

Gold to sell, silver to wear

Am who should be pro?

Jeff, help.

What’s next for you in 2024?

I’m gonna be a 30 year old teenager.

What does skateboarding mean to you?

Having a different perspective.

Photos: Jeff Davis

Originally published in Issue 3 - May 2024


Greg Dehart


Matt Savidakis